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Adding Meta Description On Blogger Posts

How to add meta descriptions to blogger blog posts

Adding a meta description to your Blogger blog posts is a good way to improve your blog's SEO and help search engines understand the content of your posts. Here’s how you can add a meta description to your Blogger blog posts:

1. Sign in to Blogger: Go to Blogger and sign in with your Google account.

2. Access the Blog Post: Click on the blog title to open the dashboard for your blog. Then, click on the post title to edit an existing post or click "New Post" to create a new one.

3. Enable Search Description: If you haven't already enabled the search description feature, follow these steps:

     Go to the "Settings" section in the left-hand menu.

    Under the "Settings" section, click on "Search preferences."

    In the "Meta tags" section, find "Description" and click "Edit."

    Write a description for your blog (this will be the meta description for your entire blog) and then            click "Save changes."

    Add a Meta Description to Individual Posts:

    While editing a post, look for the "Post settings" on the right-hand side of the post editor.

    Click on "Search Description."

    Enter your desired meta description in the text box that appears. Make sure it accurately describes           the content of your post and includes relevant keywords.

    Click "Done" when you're finished.

5. Publish or Update Your Post:

    ♦ Once you’ve added your meta description, click "Publish" to publish a new post or "Update" to               save changes to an existing post.

By following these steps, you can add a meta description to each of your Blogger blog posts, which can help improve your SEO and make your posts more appealing in search engine results.

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